Arjan Wulder


Aug 19 2013

AngularJS Bootstrap tab directive and lazy loading

I was looking for an AngularJS tab directive based on Twitter Bootstrap’s markup and CSS that supports lazy loading. So the data of a tab should only be loaded when the tab is active. There are some frameworks like Angular UI and AngularStrap that do have tab directives but none of them supports lazy loading. That’s why I created a tab directive that supports lazy loading.

Aug 13 2013

Finally, my first personal blog!

Well, there it is, my first personal blog. I build web applications for all kind of customers but building one of my own is a whole different kind of story. I’m a very hard customer if I may say so. In the last couple of years I’ve taken several attempts to create my own personal site but none of them made it to the public. I’m a big fan of sharing knowledge and with this blog I will share mine.

Jul 18 2012

Play! 2.0 and Jenkins

Lately I am doing a lot of coding with Play! 2.0 in my spare time and I must say it is a really nice framework that makes web application development easier. I am also trying to figure out if I can do all the stuff with a Play! 2.0 project like I can do with a Java EE project. An important aspect for me is adding the project in Jenkins. Since there is not a Jenkins plugin (yet) that supports Play! 2.0 does not mean that it is not possible!